I have a divorced family who would like access to the same account but don't want to use the same log in credentials. The father is responsible for paying the invoices but doesn't want the mother to have the ability to change the credit card information, however he doesn't mind if she sees the charges. He happens to be a divorce lawyer and doesn't understand why we are using a product that can't accommodate this request. Please advise if this is something that can be implemented.
Comment from Jamie says "coming soon" in October of 2022!
Please send this request to your developers, we have many families who need to have both parents have access. They shouldn't have to ask the other parent to check their email to get log in access.
Yes, this would be a useful tool in Blackbaud for our families.
Hello! As we move our payers to BBID we do plan to have the ability for two separate log ins to access the same family account so half of your request is already planned for and coming soon! As far as limiting the access level of each user, I think that's a great idea and will look into what we can do there. Thank you for your suggestion!